Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

The Psychology of Branding

If you’re a metrics and numbers person, strap in. Because there will be none of that here.

I get it. Reliable data makes us feel safe. When you see a number attached to information, it feels more tangible and secure. We humans like to think of ourselves as logical decision makers. That’s part of what sets us apart from other species. Logic and reason are useful in business. Every successful business owner I know makes logical, well thought-out choices.

At the same time, to understand why people buy the things they buy, you have to realize that our brains don’t rely on logic alone to make choices. In fact, most of the decisions we make are mostly logic-free. To understand this better, let’s talk about cognitive systems.

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

Cheap vs. Affordable Design

Is cheap design the same as affordable design?

These terms are often use interchangeably in everyday speech. But, there’s a big difference, especially when it comes to investing in design. Let’s break it down.

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

How Consistency Drives Brand Success

If you’re not going to be consistent, don’t bother with branding. Seriously.

The more we see something, the more likely we are to remember it. One of the oldest principles in marketing is The Rule of 7. It posits that, on average, it takes seven exposures to a brand’s message before a person will make a purchase. Whether that specific number is still relevant is up for debate, but it points to a core truth: humans really, really like consistency.

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

Oops: No One Cares About Your Product

Our current existence can feel like an endless onslaught of products. Everything is a product, and every product is a must-have that will make you more complete. Matcha lattes, Elfbars, streetwear, a revolutionary skincare regimen, supplements, gluten-free pea protein barsm another fucking subscription.

But this one is different!!

Is it, though?

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

What You Actually Need Out of a Logo

A question you might be asking yourself (or the internet) is, “What makes a good logo"?

The answer is, no one knows. There’s no one right way to do a logo, yet there are infinite ways to do it wrong. No one can account for taste across the board. Plus, time changes all things. There’s no real metric for “good” that applies to all situations.

So, really, I think that’s the wrong question.

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

Brand Positioning: What It Is and How to Use It

Articulating my brand positioning was one of my biggest challenges during my rebranding process. It’s not easy to summarize an entire businesses in such a short format. I found myself wanting to throw my laptop across the room every time I revisited the task. It took me hours, over the course of several weeks, to get it down.

So why put all this effort into writing one or two sentences? It might seem insignificant, but it’s a crucial part of brand and marketing strategy.

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

How to Not F**k Up Your DIY Branding

It’s not about whether DIY branding is right or wrong. DIY branding is a tool, like a hammer. A hammer is the right tool when you need to add or remove a nail. It’s the wrong tool if you need to add or remove a screw.

Everything about branding is context-dependent. Whenever you find advice on building your brand, remember that your situation and brand goals determine what the right move is, not what someone on the internet says it is. A hammer isn’t good or bad. What matters is when and how you use it.

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

Brand Strategy is Really Simple (Maps Rule)

Brand strategy is marketed as a highly specialized service that’s full of secret information and tools only strategists and designers understand. You’ll see a lot of listicles and big ideas online about the many benefits of brand strategy. Yes, of course there are game-changing benefits, but it’s not as complex as it sounds. This inflated image is a sales tool.

I call bullshit on this tactic.

The real reason why you can benefit from brand strategy is (drumroll)…

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

How Understanding Branding Gives Small Businesses Power

Have you ever wished someone would just explain this shit to you like you’re five? Like maybe it shouldn’t be this complicated?
Branding and marketing is often kept behind a curtain—paywalls, memberships, esoteric language. Big business profits off of this. When essential knowledge that drives success is kept out of reach, it gives those that can afford to pay for it an advantage. Gatekeeping is the norm.

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branding, branding tips Hope Glastris branding, branding tips Hope Glastris

Decoding Common Branding Jargon

As a designer committed to making branding feel more accessible, one of my main issues with the industry is how our use of language negatively affects our audiences. If you’ve been researching branding, you might have noticed some unfamiliar language. If you find it confusing, you’re not alone.

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brand strategy, branding tips Hope Glastris brand strategy, branding tips Hope Glastris

Brand Brain Dump: Declutter Your Mind

In the wee early stages of building your brand, there’s a lot going on in your mind. It’s full of thoughts, ideas, experiences, and possibility. But, it lacks cohesive, tangible structure and meaning. Each element has potential, but there’s no clear path from randomness to purpose. Lots of good starts, not a lot of complete ideas. Gobs of inspiration, not much direction. It makes for a start-and-stop cycle and you’re left endlessly spinning your wheels. Any attempts to bring it together ends in word salad. So, what do you do?

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branding Hope Glastris branding Hope Glastris

How to Choose a Brand Designer Who Gets You

There’s a lot of designers in the world. That’s good news for you, if you’re running a business and looking for branding. You’ve got options! Congratulations.

It’s not all rosy, though. More options doesn’t necessarily make decisions any easier. In fact, it makes them way more complicated. Ever heard of choice overload?

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Hope Glastris Hope Glastris

5 Unique Fonts to Inspire Your Typographic Logo

Using expressive typography in your logo is an easy way to achieve simplicity without being boring. Luckily for you, the internet is overflowing with unique and affordable typefaces that would make for a memorable typographic logo.

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branding, brand strategy, graphic design Hope Glastris branding, brand strategy, graphic design Hope Glastris

A Guide to Creating Audience Personas

An audience persona (commonly referred to as “buyer persona”) is a creative way of using market segmentation. It’s a profile of a fictional character that embodies notable traits of a definable group within your target audience. By combining broader characteristics with individualized ones, you can identify how to reach people and deliver messaging appropriate to their particular life experiences.

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